Yichun (Medic) Ma
Intellectual Property Rights Consultantyichun.ma@dentons.com.tw
Phone number
+886 2 27020208 ext. 136
+886 2 27020208 ext. 136
Yi-Chun (Medic) Ma, an Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Consultant, specializes in domestic and foreign patent and trademark applications, patent information analysis, revise and translation of intellectual property related contracts and intellectual property related lectures and training. The technology fields of Medic’s IPR practice mainly pertain to Biotechnology and Medicine.
Medic is certified as Medical Technologist, Toxic Chemical Substances Management Specialist, China Technical Broker and has passed several professional license examinations. His academic background comprises Bachelor of Medical Biotechnology and Laboratory Science and Master of Laws. Medic is a candidate for Doctor’s Degree on Civil Law and Commercial Law in China. During the period of graduate program for Doctor’s Degree, he participated in a project presided by Department of Agriculture of GuangDong Province and served as Associate Editor and Member of Editorial Board in charge of compiling and writing the book “Interpretation of E-Commerce Law of the People’s Republic of China and 10 Topics on Agricultural E-Commerce Practices《电子商务法解读与农业电商实务10讲》.” The book was published in April 2020 (ISBN 978-7-5491-2159-5).