

Use of cookies

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Information on Our Use of Cookies

This policy outlines how our firm utilizes cookies and similar technologies on our website and online services. It also explains how to contact us with any questions regarding this policy.

By agreeing to the content of this Cookie Policy, you consent to our differentiation of you from other users of our website for the following purposes. This helps us provide you with a better user experience and tailor-made content, as well as continually improve our website. For example, we can identify and remember important information to make it more convenient for you to browse our website or use our app (such as preference settings).

This policy applies to all Dacheng Taiwan's websites, apps, or services that link to or reference this policy.

What are Cookies and Similar Technologies?

Cookies are alphanumeric text files that we store on your browser, device, or mobile device's hard disk drive. Cookies can perform various tasks, including remembering your preferences, and are an important component of improving your user experience.

Cookies are divided into three main types:

  1. Session Cookies: Specifically used for a particular visit and limited to sending a session identifier (a randomly generated number generated by the server), so you don't have to re-enter information when navigating to new pages or exiting. Session cookies are not permanently stored on your device and are deleted when the browser is closed.
  2. Persistent Cookies: Record information about your preferences and are stored in the browser cache or on mobile devices.
  3. Third-party Cookies: Set by parties other than Dacheng Taiwan, they may collect data across multiple websites or sessions.