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Transportation Industry

Governments worldwide recognize the importance of investing in the transportation industry.

Efficient movement of people and goods is the foundation of any country's economy and a pillar of global trade. Even in times of economic hardship, the transportation sector remains a crucial area for economic growth. Demand for trains, planes, automobiles, and ships has never been greater.

While opinions may vary on the exact level of investment needed in the transportation industry, there is consensus that investment in this sector will be in the billions over the next decade.

Funds are flowing into high-speed rail networks and urban road renovations. Airlines are investing in larger, cleaner aircraft, leading to tangible demand for airport capacity. Around the world, countries are constructing new ports or expanding existing ones, necessitating the construction of newer, larger ships to meet demand. Cities in North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe are recognizing the economic, social, and environmental benefits brought by large-scale transportation networks, as well as their ability to alleviate traffic congestion. This is an area full of opportunities.

Perhaps you are already in this field and seeking to expand and diversify your operations. Perhaps you are considering entering this market or investing in one of the many opportunities it presents. However, the increasingly complex and regulated market poses challenges to such investments—challenges stemming from business, operational, and legal aspects. You need lawyers with firsthand market experience—lawyers who have been in the business for many years, have a deep understanding of daily operations, business needs, and related strategies and policies—lawyers who are experienced, trustworthy, and passionate about what they do.

We are those lawyers, but please don't just take our word for it: '...Dentons is particularly outstanding and makes our lives easier—they anticipate our needs.' (Client testimonial, Chambers 2012)